Star Crossed Interlude: Road Trip!



On March 26, we scooped Lindsey up from skilled nursing, drove over to say goodbye to Acorn bungalow and get the doggies settled in the car, and then we hit the road. Spokane and the nearby area we are staying in is a 5-hour drive. Bob (my brother-in-law) and I caravaned with me sticking to his bumper like a fiendish tailgater! Lindsey was my navigator and did a great job alerting me whenever Bob used the turn indicator. For the most part, it was a great adventure for Lindsey.  He was stout hearted about leaving his home of 17 years and moving to the other side of the state to be near family. Early in the drive, Willow climbed into the front to sit on her Poppy’s lap. This was sweet, for a few minutes and I smiled to hear Lindsey saying, “I love you!” to Willow and petting her; he had missed her so much the 4 months he had been away from home in the hospital and in skilled nursing! But a fidgeting beagle is impossible to manage for someone with the use of only one arm, so a quick pull over, re-install the hound in back and eastward ho! The pass was very rainy, and I stuck like a tick to Bob’s trailer bumper. We lived to tell the tale and continued on to enjoy the sweeping landscape of crops, wind power fields, clouds, and soaring hawks. Lindsey spotted wildlife, rivers and generally reveled in the beauty of nature. He had some discomfort at the last bit of our trek, but after we got him inside My sister greeted us with a delicious homecooked meal which Lindsey enjoyed. This is the next leg of our journey of recovery for Lindsey. He is now in a home setting, and we are getting used to a routine which keeps us very busy all day (more on that later.) We are grateful to Tina and Bob for their heroic efforts on our behalf. We are grateful to our friends on social media and our GoFundMe community for your likes and donations, I am grateful that Lindsey is a survivor, that he is motivated and is willing to do the work to live his best life in the next step of our journey together on the path of recovery.

About lisasstories2013

Lisa Noble is a published writer and artist. Her stories, poems and art work have appeared in the following: Poet's West Journal, The Sound, Sage Woman, The Beltane Papers, Mixed Metaphors by the Seattle Art Museum, Voices of Choice, 33 Angel Times, Metro's Paint me a Poem: as part of Metro's 1999 Poetry on Buses Lisa's poem: "Low on the North West Food Chain: was featured on several Metro Buses. Since 2006 Lisa has been a regular contributor to We'Moon publications. Lisa is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature and is the author of the 3-part Charman Chronicles series. Book one: "The Charman Chronicles: The Book of Fire" Is available on in book and Kindle form. (See Frieda Cramer's book review on the Kindle display!) Lisa's motto is: Support Literacy, Read to a Kid" thus the theme of this blog which will feature her favorite children's stories. Lisa has also self published two chapbooks and is the creator of the "Halfway to Babylon" project slated to come out in 2014. Lisa has shown her art work in group and solo exhibitions. Most recently being a part of the "Artful Henna" exhibition at the Art Not Terminal Gallery curated by Kree Arvanitas and Jeannie Lewis. View Lisa's work on her on-line shop: and on this blog.

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